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Research Facilities

Our laboratories that provide third-party services with a reference price list:

Pharmaceutical Analysis

Pharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory (LAF)
Laboratory of Separative Techniques and Affinity Interactions

Food Chemistry

Laboratory of Chemical-Toxicological Analysis of Nutraceuticals and Foods

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

MedChemLab - Medicinal Chemistry Lab
Organic Chemistry for Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Applications Laboratory
Biocatalysis Laboratory


Biology and Pharmacology of Aging, Inflammatory Diseases, Cancer and Neurodegeneration
Biology and Pharmacology of Age-Related Ocular Diseases
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Cellular and Molecular Neuropharmacology


Laboratory of Applied Microbiology

Pharmaceutical Technology

Bio-pharmaceutical and Formulative Development (B-forDev Lab)
Cell Delivery System Lab
Industrial Manufacturing of Medicines
Preformulation and Development of Pharmaceutical Nanosystems
Pharmaceutical Technology & Law (PT&L)
Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Products