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Tutoring encompasses a diverse set of actions aimed at supporting students from their university entry to the threshold of graduation, preparing them for employment by utilizing available resources to address potential difficulties at each stage of their educational journey.

Tutoring does not involve repeating lectures given by professors, but rather integrating traditional teaching methods to foster more personalized and participatory educational experiences.

Various tutoring projects are currently in place with the following objectives:

  • Supporting first-year students and those new to the University of Pavia (transfer students, Erasmus students, etc.).
  • Enhancing traditional teaching methods to address critical issues identified within degree courses, such as challenging courses or exams with high failure rates.

The Department of Drug Sciences announces several tutoring activities annually, funded both by the University and the Ministry of Education (MIUR).



Prof. Daniela Rossi (

Faculty Members:

Student Members:

Administrative Support: Didactic Secretariat