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Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance (QA) System encompasses a series of activities carried out by the University to ensure and maintain high predetermined quality standards throughout its operations, in accordance with current regulations (Law No. 240/2010 and Legislative Decree No. 19/2012). This includes the introduction of initial and periodic accreditation systems for study programs and university campuses, periodic evaluation of quality, efficiency, and results achieved by universities, as well as the enhancement of the self-assessment system for the quality and effectiveness of educational and research activities.

The ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) establishes methodologies, criteria, parameters, and indicators for accreditation and periodic evaluation through the integrated AVA system (Self-assessment, Periodic Evaluation, Accreditation), aimed at improving the quality of education and research.

Special attention is given to monitoring the quality of teaching and research.

The AVA system adopts an inclusive approach involving the University, Departments, and Study Programs. The process includes Quality Assurance Deans (PQA), Department Quality Managers, Quality Management Groups, and Joint Committees of Faculty and Students.

The Department implements its own QA system for teaching and research through various committees, coordinating with the University Quality Assurance Directorate via the Department's QA Delegate in the Science Area Directorate.

Department QA Delegate in the Science Area Directorate: Prof. Maria Cristina Bonferoni

The Department's Quality Assurance Group includes the QA Delegate in the Directorate and the Quality, Research, and Third Mission Commission.