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Laboratory of Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Products

Macroarea: Pharmaceutical Technology

ERC Sectors: LS7-1 Medical imaging for prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of diseases; LS7-2 Medical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases; LS7-3 Nanomedicine; LS7-9 Public health and epidemiology


Research Team

Lab Manager: Paola Perugini (PA)

Junior Staff: Marta Guerini (Assegnista), Giorgia Condrò (Dottoranda)

Technician: Giorgio Musitelli

Research Lines

1. Delivery systems

Micro and nanoparticles (lipid, polymeric and hybrid) and Liposomes with the aim of obtaining systems to promote the active site release improving its solubility and stability. Specific targeting to: skin, hair, nails, lung

2. Skin microbiota, alterations and related pathologies

Study of the correlation between microbial dysbiosis and the occurrence of skin changes and/or associated pathologies; development of cosmetic products with preventive action and/or medical formulations for the treatment of alterations and/or skin pathologies related to alterations of the skin microbiota.

3. Development and validation of protocols for cosmetic product quality.

The quality of a finished product is strictly dependent on its stability. From ingredient characterization to quantitative measurement of product sensoriality. From destabilization phenomena to the efficiency of the emulsifier system. Innovative protocols for the definition of the performance of make-up formulas . Packaging characterization and evaluation of content-container interactions

4. Circular economy

formulation development and characterization of quality, safety and effectiveness of sustainable cosmetic prototypes from waste ingredients starting from the characterization of the ingredient to the choice of the most suitable packaging


National collaborations

Academic spin-off Etichub and several companies in the cosmetic-medical field


International collaborations

Several companies in the cosmetic-medical field


Decades of experience in the evaluation of biophysical parameters of the skin, hair and nails (hydration, skin barrier, texture, color, shine, compactness, etc.) through different instrumentation, including some unique ones based on technologies patented by the same research group such as the Nail StressMeter or the Filament Surface Tester. Decades of experience in the evaluation of traditional and innovative polymer packaging through consolidated technologies such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), colorimetry, mechanical properties analysis (Tensile tester), the analysis of surface electrokinetic potential. Experience on the stability of dispersed systems by measuring viscosity, refractive index and sliding properties in accelerated studies through the use of the innovative technology of Multiple Light Scattering, also associating stress cycles in solar simulator, centrifuge and/ or air-conditioned cabinet with the setting of temperature and humidity most appropriate to the study to be carried out.


PAOLA PERUGINI - (+39 0382 987174);