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Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Bachelor's degree program in Industrial Pharmacy or Pharmacy, applicants must meet the following conditions.

Possess one of the following qualifications:

  • High school diploma;
  • Four-year maturity diploma issued by schools where the preparatory year is no longer active. In this case, students may be required to fulfill any additional educational requirements (extra exams) determined by the Didactic Council of the chosen program.
  • Foreign qualifications deemed suitable; a preliminary administrative suitability check of the foreign qualification is mandatory for enrollment. This can be done by applying through the dedicated website at and paying an application fee of €35.

Obtain one of the following CISIA TOLC-F certificates (for more information, visit conducted in one of the following formats:

TOLC in person;


For more information, please email:


[TSS] - High School Diploma