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Quality of Teaching

Teaching council

Teaching Quality is overseen by the Teaching Council of the Single-Cycle Master's Degree Courses in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, chaired by Prof. Simona Collina, under the responsibility of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Minutes of the Teaching Council meetings can be found at the following link. Access to the folder is restricted exclusively to members of the Teaching Council, requiring login to their institutional Google Drive associated with email addresses.

Review Committee

For the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology study courses, two Review Committees have been established with the following responsibilities:

  • Conducting a self-assessment of the study program to meet accreditation requirements;
  • Analyzing the results of the educational processes of the study program to identify critical points and potential areas for improvement;
  • Drafting documents such as parts of the SUA-CdS (Unique Annual Reports - Course of Study), the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA), based on an analysis of indicators provided by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes), and the Cyclical Review Report.

The Review Committee for the Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology course of study includes:

  • Mayra Paolillo (Chairperson, Coordinator of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology Course of Study)
  • Cristina Bonferoni
  • Simona Collina
  • Marta Colombo
  • Stefano Cellè (Administrative Contact)

The Review Committee for the Pharmacy course of study includes:

  • Ida Genta (Chairperson, Coordinator of Pharmacy Course of Study)
  • Cristina Bonferoni
  • Simona Collina
  • Claudio Clerici
  • Stefano Cellè (Administrative Contact)
Joint Committee of Teachers/Students (CPDS)

The Joint Committee of Teachers/Students (CPDS) is common for the courses of study affiliated with the Department of Drug Sciences.

The composition of the current CPDS, in office for the academic years 2021-2024, can be viewed at the following link.

Annual Study Programme Datasheets (SUA)

The SUAs (Schede Uniche Annuali) are documents that provide detailed information on the courses of study offered by universities. Each course of study has its own SUA, which is updated annually.

SUA are beneficial for both current and prospective students, providing a clear and detailed overview of the course of study, and for the university itself to monitor and enhance the quality of its educational offerings.

The SUA can be accessed at the following address: Schede SUA

The Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)

The Annual Monitoring Form (Scheda di Monitoraggio Annuale SMA) is a tool used within the quality assurance system. The SMA focuses on collecting and analyzing data and information regarding the operation and outcomes of a specific course of study in a given academic year.

SMAs are crucial for ensuring transparency and continuous improvement in the quality of university courses. They enable institutions to identify strengths and weaknesses, and to implement targeted strategies to enhance the student learning experience.

The SMA form are prepared by the review commission.

You can access the SMA form for the Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology Course of Study at the following link.

You can access the SMA sheets for the Pharmacy Course of Study at the following link.

Access to the folder is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Cyclical Review Report

The Cyclical Review Report (RRC) is another key tool in the quality assurance system. This report is part of a periodic evaluation process that covers the entire educational program, referring to a timeframe that includes the entire path of at least one cohort of students.

The RRC for Study Courses (CdS) entails a thorough self-assessment of the overall progress of the course, based on all the elements of analysis considered during the reference period. It involves identifying the most relevant issues and challenges and proposing solutions to be implemented in the following cycle. In this sense, the RRC is considered the most important moment of self-assessment, where the Course of Study critically analyzes the set objectives and evaluates the results achieved after monitoring.

The Cyclical Review Reports can be accessed at the following link.

Access to the folder is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Course Evaluation by Students

The collection of students' opinions on teaching and the Course of Study is a fundamental practice to ensure and improve the quality of educational offerings. This process involves gathering and analyzing feedback from students regarding various aspects of their educational experience.

Student opinions are collected through online evaluation questionnaires, which are anonymous to ensure honesty and objectivity in responses. These questionnaires ask students to evaluate various aspects of teaching and the course of study, including the clarity of material presentation, relevance of content, availability and effectiveness of instructors, educational resources, overall course organization, and their overall satisfaction.

Collected data is analyzed to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. The results of these evaluations are used by course managers and individual instructors to make improvements. This may involve adjusting teaching methods, revising course content, improving available resources, and adapting course organization.

Student opinions are also used in accreditation processes, external evaluations, and internal reports such as Annual Study Programme Datasheet (Scheda unica annual SUA) and Cyclical Review Reports.

Teaching evaluations and Course of Study assessments are available on the SisValDidat website. SisValDidat

Teaching Forms

Each teaching module has its own presentation form available in the Teaching Catalog. 

LM+ Project

Coordinated by Professors Simona Collina and Daniela Rossi for the LM+ Master's Degree program in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology.

Coordinated by Professors Simona Collina and Ida Genta for the LM+ Master's Degree program in Pharmacy.

These initiatives and bodies collectively ensure that the Department of Drug Sciences at the University of Pavia maintains rigorous standards of quality in its educational and research activities, aligning with national accreditation requirements and striving for continuous improvement.